
This section features links to articles, videos, and other resources–all sorted by topic.

ball shaped blur close up focus
Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on

Spatial Thinking

ESRI Geoinquiries

Vivid Map collections

Metric Maps collections

TedTalk Ways of Seeing

TedTalk Actually the world isn’t flat

Geospatial Technologies & Cartography

Why western maps shrink Africa

Movies with GPS/GIS

TedTalk New York before the City

Geospatial Revolution Ep. 1 and Ep. 4

Census 2014 Economic rankings

TedTalk Maps that show us who we are

High-Res Historical maps

Why all maps are wrong

Haiti’s cholera epidemic & Snow’s map

Olympic races in your neighborhood

Plastic’s impact maps

YouTube’s Map Men

History of Cartography

Mapping poverty

Hurricane Harvey’s impact in other states

Hurricane Harvey TX towns before & after

Literary Maps

Central Park’s Light Post trackers



Crash Course Economic Systems

Distance Decay Case Study

PBS’s Goats and Soda

Malala’s Story: Class Dismissed NYT

Where is North Korea (comedy)

Annenberg Economics lessons

US Infrastructure maps

Housing Markets shifts after hurricane (LA)

Climate Change (NYT)

Climate Change & the NW Passage

Climate Change & Rising Seas 

NYT’s What in the World

Null Island

Great Green Wall & Desertification

Italian Towns before and after earthquake

Population Geography

Aging population a problem?

Changing Populations & Age Structures

Kids or Careers: Germany

China’s One-Child Policy: Reunions

One year after China’s One-Child Policy

Demographic Transition & Population Pyramids

India: Low TFR as sustainable choice

America’s Pro-Natalists

America’s current baby bust

Declining total fertility rates

Britain’s CBR CDR Data

Cultural Geography

Eruv in Denver

Diffusion in Sociology

Black in Tokyo

Bhutan: Effects of TV

Minneapolis & White Privilege

Extreme Lip plates in Suri Women

Just like my mother: inherited traits and tragedies

In Amish country, the future is calling

Japan no place for single mothers

Cultural Landscapes explained

Girls rule in an Indian Village

Changing face of Saudi women 

Isolated tribes initiating contact

Isolated tribe emerges

Tibetan nomad traditions defy the modern world

Changing social norms could save your life

Globalization of kimchi

Cultural appropriation

Toponymns and architecture

Vernacular regions of the US

How Japan copied American culture and made it better

No 1 Scrabble Nation in the world is…

Visual History of Homes in America

Polite at the dinner table around the world

Geography of Language

How language shapes the way we think

How languages change and evolve

Switzerland: Polyglots

English words used in German

Official Australian words

Korean factory worker vocabulary

Is there any place where people don’t speak with an accent

A new way of looking at the world’s languages

Latinos imitate each others accents

The last of a dying languages speakers

BBC Pidgin service in W. Africa

Thrash Metal Band reviving Maori

Maori language revival

Endangered languages

Hawaiin pidgin

8 British expressions, explained

Indo-European tree art

Norse phrases that are in English

Words from German that don’t mean what you think

The Romance Languages

Religious Geography

Sacred Journeys PBS

Jerusalem: Securing Sacred Places

Jerusalem: Three religions, three faiths

Inside Mecca

Hajj Step-by-Step

How much does Hajj cost?

Ramadan in space

Prayer in space

Artists battle burkini ban in France

Global funeral traditions

Destroyed artifacts recreated in 3D

Kumari goddess

Stunning Sacred Places

ISIS destroyed sites

Do not wear hijab in solidarity

What Muslim women want you to know

What it’s like to be Muslim woman in America


Orthodox Jewish women in New York

Political Geography

Statehood explained

Don’t ask me where I’m from, ask me where I’m local

Rwanda’s Genocide & Reconciliation

US/September 11th and Patriotism (centripetal)

Quebec’s Secessionist History

Education post-civil war in Sierre Leone

Apartheid in 90 seconds

Why Nigeria is Important?

Somalia’s Civil War

Egypt’s Arab Spring

Arab Spring: A Year of Revolution

Kashmir: Why India and Pakistan fight over it

Understanding Native American Sovereignty

What you need to know about South China Sea disputes

South China Sea (WaPo)

Stateless Nations

Stateless Minorities

Bruised Borders (disputes)

Brasilia: A Capital of Hope

What remains of the utopia of Brasilia

US-Mexican border video

US-Mexican border

US Census: Local Governments

Berlin Wall section removed amid row

How megacities are changing the map of the world

Enclaves & Exclaves

Exclaves and enclaves explained

Map of Syrian Civil War

Failure of US to send condolences to Mexico after earthquake

Surveying land

What is NATO

The EU explained

Gerrymandering explained, and again

America’s most gerrymandered districts

Gerrymandering & SCOTUS

Tribal sovereignty

DAPL standoff

Trevor Noah: Why the White People should move

Can tribal sovereignty overcome corporate sovereignty?

John Oliver: Why territories don’t have full voting rights

State of Puerto Rican Statehood

Not in Kansas anymore…,

Somewhere over the rainbow

Monty Python Treaty of Westphalia

30 Illegal Photos of NK

Architecture as Nationalism: Accra Ghana

1500 Americans river party wash up in Canada

The map of the US with only 38 states

Panhandles/proruptions explained

Geography of Terrorism

Uneven geography of terrorism

Lack of Knowledge, Increased Call for Intervention

Mapping the future of countries

Africa’s fragile democracies

How the Middle East fell apart

Crimea’s Loss


Geography of Agriculture

Guns, Germs, and Steel (discovery of ag)

Slash & Burn, Ep. 1, 2, 3, and 4

Sami reindeer herding

FAO: Female face of farming

Starbucks supply chain

Seaweed in S America Food Security

Why do people go hungry?

MN soil health tests

Dairy farmers deserve a fair price

Deforestation in Borneo (plantation ag)

CA Crops rot as immigration rates fall

Migrant farm workers

US workers decline farm work

Moving Day in Mongolia

A journey through Mongolia

Nomads of Mongolia

Mongolian herding life

Transylvania: Transhumance threatened

Wet-rice in Nepal

Fun in Philippines: Rice farming

Gorgeous rice paddies

Tanzania’s Reality TV: Female Farmers

Second Agricultural Revolution

Green Revolution in Nigeria Today

Diffusion of Ag Info in the 1950s

Revival of Amaranth

Robotic milkers

Fisheries collapse

Ex-Miner becomes EMT

A history of timbering in MN

Guerilla cartographers put food on the map

Super-Size: 21st c. Agriculture

Eat Local MN

Random acts of conservation H20 in MN

Vox: 40 maps

Factory Farming

Industrial Agriculture

Food Machine PBS


Free range piggery in Australia

Crop/Livestock in Iowa

Harvesting Corn

World of Corn

Poultry farming in Europe

Williamette Egg farm

The daily at an egg farm

Goat dairymaster

Happy dairy cow ad

Commercial cow dairy in China

Udder side of the world

Organic food podcast

Random internet glitch = Kansas farm digital hell

Geography of Industry

The Day the Universe Changed

Planet Money’s T-Shirt

Weapons: Imports, Exports

Fancy Coffee

What Germany offers the World

Detroit’s Decline: Photo Essay

Detroit: Ruins with population loss

Tearing Down Detroit

South Korea: Asian Miracle

Secrets to S. Korea’s Success

Ted: Understanding the Rise of China

Persistence of Manufacturing in Deindustrialized US

Maquiladora and Poverty

Maquiladora: Manufacturing in Mexico

Emerging Economies Post-BRICS

OEC: Econ Info Visualization

EPZs Explained

PBS America Revealed Electric Nation

PBS America Revealed Made in USA

PBS Newshour Why Manufacturers returning to US

Importance of US Manufacturing

Poultry processing

Ted Next Manufacturing Revolution

Ted Voices of China’s Workers

Interactive Map: Every Cargoship

NPR’s Jackie Northam on a Cargo Ship

Fourth Industrial Revolution

Transportation Rates for FEU


Millenium Goals: Progress Check

17th Sustainable Development Goal

2016 HDI Report

Mixed Fortunes of BRICS

Hans Roling: Asia’s Rise TedTalk

IMF: Empowering Women is Smart Economics

How Africa can keep rising TedTalk

Rostow Explained

Affluent, Black and Still Trapped

Reality TV: Week as a Ugandan Woman

Naptime at Ikea in China (NYT)

Closing the Education Gap

Starbucks and Steel: Divergent Directions in China

Religious co-existence and gender equality in India

Shea Butter: Sustainable Development

Hans Rosling: How to end poverty in 15 years

Richest v. Poorest (short video)

Aboriginal microloans

If you shouldn’t call it the Third World…

How the Racial Wealth Gap was Created: Power of Illusion

Urban/Services Geography

How cities emerged

Earliest city plan Beijing

The City (1939)

Role of Highways in Poverty

94 in the Twin Cities

Housing Policies and Segregation

Zoning laws and inequality

Blockbusting & segregation

9 most segregated cities

Redlining alive and well

Racist policies that shaped our cities

Redlining interactive map

Food Deserts in America

Central Ave: Mpls Immigrant niche

City design to manipulate behavior

Decline in service jobs

Green Line

New Urbanism

Smart cities in India

Twitter employee cannot afford to live in San Fran

“Low Income” in San Fran 100K

Inner Cities doing well

Mpls master plan for parks

Why European cities are so dense?

How Queens became NYCs largest borough

Zombie malls

Malls into microhomes

City Street layouts

Asian megacities

Communal living in Russia

The future of cities

Why people are leaving US cities

When integrating the suburbs isn’t enough

The city states of Europe

European cities: Importance of capital cities

6 cities dominant US economy

Cairo transit

NYT: Block by Block

Landscape morphology Mexico City

bike parking in Tokyo

Designing a city for women

Why women should be designed for women

Rise and fall of cities

Commercial rents

The megatall

Suburbs getting poorer

Detroit on the edge

DC rappers love song to gentrification


Fighting Gentrification

Gentrification before and after

Can neighborhoods be revitalized without gentrifying them

Brazil’s Favelas

Urban documentaries

360 cities